CEO’s message Company Overview Company History Management Philosophy Company Organizational Chart map

Management Philosophy

The Status of the Corporation

  • 고객감동
  • 현장중심
  • 행복실현



  • 비전 및 목표 이미지

    Based on Future-Oriented Investments in Facilities and Equipment

    We will leap forward to become a leading professional manufacturer in the field of automotive shafts with new concepts of 3Ds (Dynamic, Digital and Dream) breaking away from the old concepts of 3Ds (Danger, Difficult and Dirty).

194, Asan Valley Dong-ro, Dunpo-myeon, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do (31409), Republic of Korea | CEO of GSI Co., Ltd., Won-ho Shin
The Corporate Registration Number:312-81-86967 | T.041-542-1681~2 | F.041-542-1683 COPYRIGHT@2014 GSI. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.