GSI Family
Major Business Partners GSI Affiliates

Major Business Partners

The Current Status of Major Business Partners

The locations and the current status of major business partners of GSI.

  • 주요 고객사 위치 이미지
    • 버튼 이미지Motor Vehicle
      자동차 고객
    • 버튼 이미지Home Appliances
      가전제품 고객
    • 버튼 이미지Medical, Aviation, Aerospace, Industry, Agricultural
      의료,항공,우주,산업/농업용 고객
    • 버튼 이미지Battery Products - Customer Acquisition
    • 화살표 이미지
    • 버튼 이미지The Current Status of B2B Partners
      최종 고객사 현황

194, Asan Valley Dong-ro, Dunpo-myeon, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do (31409), Republic of Korea | CEO of GSI Co., Ltd., Won-ho Shin
The Corporate Registration Number:312-81-86967 | T.041-542-1681~2 | F.041-542-1683 COPYRIGHT@2014 GSI. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.